Pain Relief Complex and Cream

Pain Relief the Drug-Free Way Pain Relief Complex and Cream Joint Pain to Joint Health Guarantee Healthy Links and More

To understand pain, you must understand
3 different internal enzymes

Enzyme #1 - COX 1 helps regulate the normal production of the mucosal lining of the digestive system (stomach and intestines).

Enzyme #2 - COX 2 causes the release of specific compunds that lead to pain.  Elevated COX 2 means pain therefore, many medications are COX 2 inhibitors.

Enzyme #3 - 5-LOX causes the release of specific compounds that lead in inflmation.  Elevated 5_LOX means inflammation, and 90% of pain comes from inflammation.

Shaklee's Pain Relief Complex ...

provides POWERFUL, LONG-TERM RELIEF from chronic pain & discomfort.

Contains 2 clinically proven ingredients:  Boswellia (Frankincense) and Safflower Extract.

When combined, they produce a synergistic effect that can reduce pain up to 95% or more!

Boswellia blocks 5-LOX - 88%;

Safflower extract blocks COX-2 - 93%.

Best results are experienced when you take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

It takes about 2 weeks before maximum results are achieved, and then YOU will FEEL the Shaklee Difference.

This is Kosher certified and it is an aspirin-free formula that does NOT affect the COX 1 enzyme (meaning that the stomach and intestines are not harmed).

The New York Times recently published an article stating that blocking the COX-2 enzyme can ... help prevent cancer of the colon, bladder, skin, esophagus, etc. and reduce Alzheimers by quenching inflammation of the brain.

Shaklee's Joint & Muscle Pain Cream ...

Provides INSTANT, TEMPORARY RELIEF of minor joint & muslce aches and pains.

Its active ingredient works by interfering with the pathways that carry pain.

Shaklee has patented a revolutionary liposome delivery system that enables FAST absorption and gets the menthol past the layers of skin where other medications stop ... enabling this to penetrate deep into the muscles and joints.

And wonderfully so it has a prolonged release action to optimize effectiveness!