Joint Pain to Joint Health

Pain Relief the Drug-Free Way Pain Relief Complex and Cream Joint Pain to Joint Health Guarantee Healthy Links and More

Shaklee's Joint Health Complex
supports the body's ability to build cartilage,
soothes and lubricates joints,
and helps improve joint function.

Three Ingredients:
  Glucosamine Hydrochloride - a sodium-free form of glucosamine which causes the body to make condroitin sulphate;

  Devil's Claw - an herb that reduces pain and inflammation (often referred to as nature's ibuprofen without the side effects);

  Alfalfa - an herb containing high levels of saponins (natural pain relievers) and also high in mineral content which is important for cartilage and bone regeneration, plus nourishment of the joint's synovial sac.

VERY beneficial for Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis

which occurs when cartilage wears out and becomes flattened, pitted and rough, thereby losing its shock absorbing & lubricating abilities.

Glucosamine is made in the liver, and as we age, and due to the way pollution affects the liver, we make less ot it.  Therefore, a supplement is WISE!